‘We’re all out for the moon!’
we were there
shadows in the evening’s light
having traced the moon to the park
bright and stark
like a fluorescent bulb in a shop at close
stood in a similar beaming emptiness
the powdery glow pointed to the benches ahead
ones that curved to a slight bend
like a reached out pale palm
showing we were now the only ones left looking
‘I come out especially to see it’
eyes fixed to the light
bathing, bathing, and more bathing
looking to the moon till the focus starts to wobble
the circle vibrating and pulsing
it’s alive
and she’s a girl
she circles and taunts the earth
always out of reach
showing her different sides
but never the dark one
she’s crescent,
she half showing
she’s full and glowing
‘I thought it was supposed to be blue!’
I tilt my head and squeeze an eye
as if looking through the right side of 3D glasses
pouring my gaze then into a world of blue
in school we were taught blue conveys sadness
but to me it’s water and sky and the colour of my dads eyes
blue blue and more blue
is it something borrowed
or something blue?
I want to bathe in it
swim in it
shed my skin so I’m glossy and new and blue
slipping around that celestial glow
like wind
she’ll blow, she blew.

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